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Paul Hernandez recalls a case having to do with a drunk driver with four prior offenses causes an accident that seriously injured another driver.

In most people’s eyes, drunk driving is one of the worst things you can do as a driver on the road. It’s on par with a hit and run accident. These types of people clearly have no care for other human beings who may be hurt. What is even scarier are the drunk drivers out there that have already been convicted of being intoxicated on the road and being a danger, still out there driving the streets. This is the story of one of our clients who was hit by a drunk driver who had already been convicted of drink and driving on 4 other occasions. Can you believe that? Four other previous occasions this person has been stopped and arrested and convicted, yet they still have a license and drive. Our client lost time from work and the drunk driver totaled her car. She’s lucky to survive a crash with only injuries to her back. Due to the other driver’s lack of responsibility, we not only sued her for the lost wages and economic damages, but also pain and suffering and punitive damages. Punitive damages are where we can make the offending driver pay damages just because the act of driving drunk is so morally responsible. We want to make sure the drunk driver learns that within our community they cannot cause harm to a person by being so negligent and uncaring about their fellow human beings. Watch the video now to learn more.

To learn more about personal injury law, I encourage you to watch the video above and to explore our educational website. If you have legal questions, I want you to call me at (855) 880-8163. I welcome your call. Kalfus & Nachman Offices in Norfolk, Newport News and Roanoke Virginia. Also serving Northeastern North Carolina.