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Reminder - You Are Responsible For Your Child's Graduation Party

Drunk DrivingWith graduation season in full swing, there are multiple parties that you may be attending or over hosting. While it is always fun to have a few drinks available for your guests, we want to remind you that, should underage drinking occur at your home, you are responsible for the effects.

No matter what your “house rules” may be, the law is always the same – drinking under the age of 21 is illegal. Because of this, should any underage drinking occur at your home and then lead to any type of an injury or car accident, you as the home owners, are responsible.

At Kalfus & Nachman, we want you and your families to be safe and have a great time enjoying graduation season, but we also strongly wish to encourage you to take the following steps to ensure that you won’t be held liable for drinking that, possibly, you didn’t even condone:

  • If you’re going to have alcohol at the party, monitor it
  • Do not condone underage drinking
  • Do not let anyone leave that appears over the legal limit to drive or, simply, under the influence

Contact Kalfus & Nachman for Help

If you believe that something may have happened that was outside of your control at your graduation party, please contact the attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman. We can help you process your situation and try for the best-possible results. Call us today at (855) 880-8163. We proudly serve Norfolk, Newport News, and the surrounding Virginia areas.

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