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We Are Here For You During COVID-19

older couple holding hands

As one of Virginia’s premier Personal Injury, Social Security Disability and Workers’ Compensation law firms, our practice is dedicated to serving some of our most vulnerable citizens. Therefore, we understand the concerns, anxiety, and hardships that the current COVID-19 outbreak is causing everyone in our community.

Kalfus & Nachman, P.C. is dedicated to continuing to provide services to our clients while also being mindful for the safety of our clients, their families, and our staff. At this time, and as long as it is appropriate to do so, we will continue to remain open and working throughout the outbreak of COVID-19. In response to the current situation, Kalfus & Nachman, P.C. is taking precautions which include:

• Daily monitoring the State and Federal positions and following guidance offered by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control;

• Keeping our offices as disinfected and sanitized as possible with additional daily cleanings;

• Minimizing physical contact when meeting with staff members, clients, and other individuals;

• Conducting virtual meetings with clients rather than in-person meetings;

• Preventing staff members from coming to work if they feel ill or have a temperature;

• Limiting travel of our attorneys, investigators and staff and avoiding large gatherings of people.

For those who wish to speak to an attorney but are uncomfortable with meeting in person, we offer telephone and video consultations. With an internet connection and a camera-enabled device, available on most laptops, smartphones, or tablets, we can meet virtually to assist you with your legal needs.

Please know that your family’s health, comfort, and safety are our priority. We are here to support you during this time. Please call our offices at 888-487-8546 to let us know how we can help.